Playlist Covers
Cover art for my Spotify playlists / 2022 – Present
Album covers have a long history as pieces of art and design that accompany and convey the overall aesthetic and theme of the music within, as well as create a visual representation of the artist or band.
In today’s world where streaming reigns supreme, the vast majority of music listeners create their own playlists, compilations of their own cherry picked songs. But the visual representation of these playlists are usually left as the default artwork provided by the streaming platform.
Since January 2022 I have been creating cover art for my personal collection of playlists. I treat each one as a little graphic design exercise, not only to visually convey the feel of each playlist, but also let the playlist dictate what tools or materials will drive the design process as well as what story each piece is trying to convey.
A temporary playlist. Assembled in the summer of 2021. A panoply for an era that has since passed. As the memories inevitably fade from the mind, this will persist.
Boiling Pot
Limbo for music. Like a “My Shazam Tracks” playlist, this one serves as a waiting room for music I find. Waiting judgment to be assigned eternal damnation into one of my many playlists.
The evil alternate to “I’m Important to the People.” Where it is big, this is small, where it creates this destroys, where it rejuvenates this siphons. This makes you rip your pants off and do something incriminating and vile in nature, you will yearn to destroy something beautiful.
I’m Important to the People
The spiritual successor to the playlist by the same name on Soundcloud. But this will not only live up to the name but surpass it. It will be everything the original could not, and never was.